I've been trying to organize my thoughts for a blog post (and instead tinkered with the lay out....what do ya'll think? If I could just figure out how to center the top photo...) and have had as much luck as I have had trying to organize my life! The last few months have been crazy and disjointed.
Greg has started his new job in Fredericksburg, and is very happy. He's in a sweet rental in town, on the river and just 10 minutes from work! We had a mover bring him the essentials, bought a new bed and a new recliner. And now over the last few months I've taken load after load of boxes, (and a loom and fiber...and guitars and amps....) just trying to declutter our house to put it on the market. How can two people have so much??? It's not Layla. Her one box of toys is very compact.
While visiting Greg in Fredericksburg I make sure to spend time in my new studio at LibertyTown.
It feels good to be back, surrounded by friends and so much support, ideas always in the air and shoppers too. :) As you can see I've moved my largest loom into the studio. I always plan to sit down to work and never seem to get to it. Setting up at LibertyTown comes with an attendance requirement. So my plan is to get alot more weaving done in the coming year! I'll sell my pottery here too. But still throw pots in a home studio....wherever that might be. Clay just needs so much babysitting. What I am doing now requires so many steps it's wonderful to have my clay just steps away, to have space for pots in different phases and the ability to fire my own kiln.
While in Charlottesville I am working hard to pack and declutter and update. Our kitchen is so tiny we thought some simple improvements would help a prospective buyer to BECOME a buyer. So the old countertops were replaced with a newer and more "hip" color (then the wood look alike formica) and now we have a dishwasher! Of course it was not without it's issues. The FIRST countertop was delivered in a pouring rain....I did not notice that it was cut a mirror image of what is was meant to be. And then, of course, there was the VERY dead rat....
I plan to spend this week CLEANING and packing away odds and ends...oh, and shredding the 5 boxes of old credit card bills and cancelled checks that date back to 1989! (4 large garbage bags and counting...you can't be too careful these days...) I may make my self imposed deadline of February 1 to get this house on the market yet....
Know anyone looking to move to Charlottesville? Three bedrooms, 3 full baths, big fenced yard and a beautiful studio with AC and heat all located within walking distance of the Charlottesville Music Scene! And no rats.
Of course I've managed a few trips to Juniper Moon Farm, usually with the excuse of dropping off pots or picking up my own farm product. Some of their beautiful mill spun cormo and FRESH EGGS. They are so beautiful!
Susie bought these calves recently off Craigslist! Another step towards keeping down the sheep and goat parasites....and they are awfully damn cute. Jefferson, Madison and Monroe. |
It's been a struggle to make time to throw pots. First there were The Holidays. Plus when I'm here it is only for a few days at a time and I'm working on the house. And I've not been able to focus. But now I have a deadline, Empty Bowls in Frederickburg this Saturday. I have been working on bowls, a project for a friend in Vermont (more on that later!) and a couple of commissions picked up through the Fall Fiber Festival show I did last year in October. Tomorrow morning I will load a bisque, aiming to be unloading and packing a glaze by Thursday night.

I surely miss having my hands in clay! It's so much calmer then the chaos in the house. I worry about what the year has to hold for me studio wise. I've come to the conclusion that once the house is on the market the hardest work will be done. I will just concentrate on keeping it clean (!) and throwing pots. The more I can pack away the better. I am doing one show for sure in October and am debating a second one in September....But once the house sells (please God sooner then later) I can't be sure how long I will be without access to a studio to fire my cone 5 pots.....
worry, worry, worry.....
So there you have it! On paper it does not seem like much. But mix in a bit of lost motivation and a bit of overwhelmed What should I do first???? and it begins to look like more.
Thanks to all of you for sticking around....I hope to fill you in on things a little more often then just 1 time a month!
Now. BED.