I often assume that most of my readers are artists. Even if you don't call yourself one, I'll bet you do make things. Whether you are a gardener (painting with flowers), a cook (designing with flavors), a stay at home mom (creating a home) or a potter or a painter or a writer or a knitter or a weaver or.....we are ALL artists, creative beings. Our hands are our tools. Which brings me to By Hand.
By Hand is the newest and best to date project created by my artist/shepherd friend Susan Gibbs of Juniper Moon Farm fame. By Hand is a magazine devoted to all that is hand made!
(Below is borrowed from the Juniper Moon Farm announcement on Susie's blog)
By Hand will be a lifestyle magazine for people who make, with departments for cooking, crafting, DIY, gardening, and do-gooding, with a bit of travel and profiles of makers every month.

The idea is to celebrate creating things with our hands, and to explore the motivation to make things in a world where there are cheaper and immediate alternatives. It will be both practical (patterns, DIY projects, etc) and thoughtful, with a lovely and gentle aesthetic.
This magazine is designed to be a gorgeously produced, photographed and written piece of art. Something to be savored and saved . Susie has started a kickstarter campaign to get her and her staff started on this awesome venture. Won't you hop on over to Kickstarter and support her???
love this and i hope it will give folks a true look into our lives.
I have my fingers crossed Meredith. Everything Susie does she does well so I am anxious to see the first addition!
Er, edition.
That's wonderful! Can't wait for the next update.
Love this idea!!
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